Friday 8 June 2012

The Hunger Games Theme Questions And Paragraph

The Hunger Games The Questions And Paragraph
June 8th 2012

1. Which figure (character, group, organization) in the play best demonstrates the use of the "power" theme?

2. How would describe Katniss's "Identity" before, and after the games?

Katniss' identity didn't change much before and after the games. Prior to the games she was independent and quiet, but after the games she became a little more social as she realized she needed to do so in order to gain popularity with sponsors. Overall, most of her "identity" changes were solely strategic but she stayed the same person more or less.

- Dimitri

3. What makes the audience love the "Relationship" between Katniss and Peeta?

In the Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta are both selected as tributes for District 12. During an interview prior to the games Peeta confesses his love for Katniss, and strategically, Katniss decides to return the affection. The audience is shown to "love" their "relationship" for a few reasons. First off, the relationship signifies the relationship between many. This is because much like life, couples are faced with challenges, in their case the games, and they have to battle through them together. This catches the affection of viewers as the relationship makes Katniss and Peeta relatable to most people. Secondly, the audience is in support  of the couple for perhaps a more cynical reason, because they are interested to see how the games will conclude if the two lovers are the last two remaining. In the end, the interest of the audience is really only a representation of human behaviour, showing the good, and the bad side of the human mind.

- Dimitri

4. What are some major and minor differences between district 12 and the Capitol? List 3 differences.

In the novel The Hunger Games, Katniss lives in the poor region referred to as District 12. On the opposite end of the wealth scale is the luxurious Capitol. The two share practically no similarities but many differences. Here are threemain differences:

- The technology in the Capitol is shown to have drastically improved where in District 12 it appears to have regressed.

- The fashion in the two regions is tremendously different. In the Capitol, everyone dresses very flamboyantly, wearing a lot of colour and having crazy hair dews. In District 12, people dress in a completely different manner, mainly wearing plain, rag-like clothing as they cannot afford anything else.

- The Capitol is far more industrialized with countless sky scrapers and an incredible skyline, where District 12 is occupied with homes which resemble huts and are surrounded by mud.

- Dimitri

5. Does Katniss "love" Peeta, or is it just an act? Describe her feelings for him at the start of the book to the end of the book.

6. What governement system in the real world does the capitol's governing system resemble most?

7. Why is Peeta so concerned about keeping his original "Identity" at the start of the games?

The night before the commencement of the games, Peeta claims that he doesn't want to lose his identity during the games, but wants to stay himself. I believe he feels that way because he believes that the games were going to be a very stressful, life changing, experience and he didn't want it to change the way people see him or the way he acts. When making this statement, he assumed that he was going to be killed by another contestant, and he didn't want to die as a killer because that was what he had done during the games, but instead as the person he was before the games.

- Dimitri

8. If you were selected to compete in the Hunger Games, would you try and stay true to your own "Identity", or would you create a new "persona" for the cameras.

If I were selected for the Hunger Games I would create a new persona for myself, instead of acting the way which I did prior to the event. One of the reasons why I would do it would be to gain the support of potential sponsors, but also because I wouldn't be able to kill someone with my current personality. I would feel that by creating an alter ago, I could later switch back to my original self and perhaps forget the tragedy of the Hunger Games.

- Dimitri

9. Do the differences of "Class in Society" between districs influence their approach to the games? Explain how and why.

10. Which character in the story best represents the theme of love? Explain how.

Main Themes

Power : The power theme is used mainly to represent the totalitarian governement of the capitol, this adds the effect of the tributes struggle to stay alive in an arena, in which the capitol provides a series of challenges. It is mentioned early in the novel that the Games exist so that the Capitol may keep their power of all the districts, by forcing them to compete in a battle to the death between 24 competitors. Also, all the districts must watch on national television.

Identity : The theme of identity is one of the more important themes in The Hunger Games. It is used to show that when under pressure, people will ultimately do what they must to survive, even if it means killing someone they once called a friend. This theme is shown strongly through Peeta before he begins to compete in the games, but is quickly broken when he joins a group of "career tributes". Katniss shows that she can both survive and still retain her original identity, therefore best demonstrating this theme.

Society and Class : Panem is a world of economic class differences. The social class and economy in the book influences both the average citizens of each districs, and the tributes, forced to compete in this brutal battle to the death.

Love : Love is one of the most apparent themes in this story, even at the start of the book with Katniss's relationship with Gale, even though she only considers them to be "friends". Slightly later on, when Katniss and Peeta first interact, Peeta shows that he has some sort of feelings for Katniss, this escalates into an issue that causes a lot of suspense during the book.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Hunger Games Plot Questions And Paragraph

Tuseday June 5th, 2012

The Hunger Games Plot Questions

1. Briefly summarize the plot of the Hunger Games in a one short paragraph.

There is a country in a future world called Panem, and it is located where North America used to be. There are 12 Districts in Panem, and they are all ruled by a harsh government; the Capitol. 74 years prior to the beginning of the book, Panem rebelled against the Capitol. There was a 13th District, but it was obliterated as an example to the other citizens of Panem, no one can defeat the Capitol. So, there is an annual televised event called the Hunger Games, where one girl and one boy from every district are chosen to be put into an outdoor arena and fight to the death. Whoever is the final one alive receives fame, fortune, and their district gets privileges rained upon them for the next year. -Nima Aminian

2. At what point does the novel climax? Why is it the climax?

3. Does the plot resemble any real life scenarios? If yes, how so? If no, why not?

No, the plot does not resemble to real life scenerios because no city, county, town or anything will kill eachother for no reason to be crowned a winner. The biggest reason this doesnt happen is because it is illagel and you cant have a fight to death legally, and no one will risk them selves for this event.
- Nima Aminian

4. There are several ironic events throughout the story. Give an example in a detailed paragraph.

5. In Katnyss' position, would you have faked a relationship with Peeta? Why?

6. When Rue is killed, Katniss honours her death by placing flowers on her body. Why do you think she reacted that way?

The reason i think katniss reacted that way is because Rue reminded Katniss of her little sister Prim and she would never want that to happen to her, and this tragic event caused katniss to react to Rue's death like the way she did. -Nima Aminian

7. As the battle is coming towards its conclusion, it is announced that there can be two winners. How does this affect Katniss' strategy? Would you have done the same?

Katniss's strategy was to work as a team with her fellow district member Peeta and be the last two, i would not react like that because you can never trust someone you barley now like that i would just go by myself.
- Nima Aminian

8. Katniss and Peeta are the last two standing at the end of the Hunger Games. In Katniss' position, what  would you have done differently?

I would have done nothing because it obviously worked and there the winners. - Nima Aminian

9. During training for the Hunger Games, Haymitch reminds Katniss and Peeta to keep a low profile. Do you think this was a good idea? Why?

10. Different from other novels, the Hunger Games focuses on a  young female protagonist. How do you think the story would have been different if the main character were a male?


In the the young adult novel, The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins, young protagonist, Katnyss Everdeen, is selected for the 74th annual Hunger Games. Her tale is divided in three main parts: the selection, the preparation, and the games. Throughout the story, her character shows great maturity in numerous situations.  One prime example takes place during the beginning of the story.

Katnyss is a young teenaged girl who lives with her mother and sister, Prim, in District 12 of Panem (formerly known as North America).During this year's reaping, or selection of tributes, Katnyss' sister is selected to be the female representative for her district. Katnyss volunteers herself to replace her sister, and is sent to the Capitol alongside Peeta to compete in the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games are an annual event held where a female and a male tribute from each of the twelve districts of Panem are selected to battle each other to the death. There is only one winner to remind citizens of Panem not to rebel because of the great power which the Capitol holds.

During the second part of the novel, "the preparation", Katnyss and Peeta are sent to the Capitol with mentor Haymitch, a previous winner and a drunk. Though initially appearing to be unenthusiastic and useless, he later proves himself to be helpful giving good advice and helpful tips. Prior the Hunger Games, the tributes are all shown on TV to represent themselves and hopefully receive sponsors to later aid them in the game. Katnyss and Peeta caught the eye of many spectators by setting themselves on fire while being first introduced. Later, when all contestant were given ratings, Katnyss received an incredible 11/12 with Peeta only scoring 8/12, still an impressive score, he proceeded to ask to be trained separately. During his last interview before the game, Peeta confessed his love for Katnyss. Katnyss viewed it as a strategy to help gain sponsors and went along with it.

The third part of the book begins with a countdown to commence the games. Katnyss initially isolates herself before eventually meeting a small girl from District 11 named Rue. Katnyss decides to cooperate with her as she reminds Katnyss ofher younger sister Prim. The two are able to infiltrate an opposing coalitions food supply before the death of Rue. Now alone again, Katnyss searches for Peeta, only to find him wounded. Around this time, the announcer states that there can be two winners, as long as they come from the same district. With this in mind, Katnyss protects Peeta as their oposition continually dies. Eventually they are the only ones left except for one competitor named Cato. The three tributes are chased into the center by genetically mutated killing machines. Katnyss proceeds to shoot Cato in the back leaving only her and Peeta.

In the conclusion, the announcer re-changes the rules stating that there can again only be one winner. The two replicate Romeo and Juliet showing that they will both commit suicide if both can't win. The rules are changed back for a final time, leaving the two candidates from District 12 as the winners. The two return home in glory and hope to be celebrated for a long time to come.

Friday 1 June 2012

The Hunger Games Character Questions and Paragraph


1. Describe the characteristics of Katniss.

 Throughout the story, Katniss shows a variety of characteristics which all highlight her personality in different manners. For example, at the beginning of the novel she proves herself to be independent, as she hunts her own food, and manages to support her family with little help from others. Also, she's very strategic. This is shown prior to the games when she pretends to show affection for Peeta to gain the support of sponsors, which is one of many examples of Katniss' strategic play. Thirdly, she's also very bold. This was highlighted when she shot an apple out of a spectators hand, and again when she wore a unique dress which catches fire to her interview. Shooting an apple demonstrated that she was bold as some may have seen it as a dangerous act which could have gotten her killed, but she showed no hesitation when doing it. With several interesting characteristics, Katniss is a great example of a strong protagonist.

- Dimitri

2.Describe the characteristics of Peeta.

Peeta is very strong and doesn't show it right away, he prefers to keep his identity away from the other tributes, he is also very generous and kind towards Katniss. Peeta demonstrates that he can be both aggressive and sympathetic at the start of the games when he kills his first tribute, but still, later on, retains his love for Katniss.


3. Describe Katniss's affection for Gale.

The novel didn't spend much time covering Katniss' relationship with Gale, but it was obvious that the two had feelings for each other. Katniss and Gale were much like partners in crime, they spent a lot of time hunting together then sold it illegally. But they didn't only hunt for money, but also because both saw hunting as an escape from their rough reality, and it also gave them an opportunity to spend time together. Gale acted much like a father figure in Katniss' family as her real father was dead. This was shown when Gale promised to take care of Katniss' family when she was gone competing. All together, they had a slight romance which have come to an end when Katniss began showing feelings for Peeta during the games.

- Dimitri

4. Why did Katniss volunteer to take her sisters place in the hunger games.

During the selection of the tributes, Prim Everdeen was nominated to be a female representative of District 12. Katnyss boldly volunteered herself instead as she didn't want her sister, Prim, to be killed during the Hunger Games. I believe there were numerous reasons why Katniss volunteered  herself. To begin, prior to the selection, Katniss promised Prim she would not be chosen as her name was only on one paper out of hundreds which could be chosen. After assuring Prim of her safety the way she did, Katnyss would have had an overwhelming guilt allowing her sister to compete. Secondly, Prim was only twelve, the youngest age allowed to compete in the games, meaning there would be much stronger contestants ultimately meaning Prim's death would be inescapable. Katniss felt that she would rather lose her own life than have her sister lose hers, resulting in volunteering herself. Ultimately, Katniss showed alot of bravery and sacrifice by volunteering herself, but mainly it was because she wanted her sister to be safe.


5. Why did Katniss say she have to take over her house hold after the death of her father ?

Following the death of her father, Katniss was obligated to take over her household. This was because her mother was suffering from depression, and Prim was too young to help out in any significant manner. Being forced to raise her family gave Katniss maturity which ultimately helped her when being sent to the games. In addition she was able to bring back her mother to a stable condition, meaning her family could function when Katniss was gone. Katniss had a rough life, but tragic events like the passing of her father helped shape her making her more independent allowing her to eventually become the winner of the games.

- Dimitri

6. Who promised to send some food to Katniss's family while she is gone? and why ?

Peeta's father


7. Why did Peeta give bread to Katniss ?

because he felt bad for her walking through the rain, near death from starvation.


8. What is Katniss named after ?

The protagonist of the hunger games, Katniss, has a strange name unlike any that most have ever heard. This is because "Katniss" is named after a fictional plant which she used to collect around a lake outside of District 12. "Katniss or Sagittaria latifolia is a plant found in shallow wetlands and is sometimes known as broadleaf arrowhead, duck potato, Indian potato, or wapato."

- Dimitri

9. Why did Katniss show affection towards Rue ?

Because Rue is the same age as her sister, Prim, as well as the same size, and in general, reminds her of Prim.


10. Who is Haymitch? And what is he like ?

The previous disctrict 12 winner of the games, and the trainer of Katniss and Peeta. He is very drunk all the time and is not the type of person who would be expected to win the games.


                                                                   Character Description 

Katniss Everdeen is a teenage girl who lives in District 12, an impoverished coal-mining region in the country of Panem. She's a volunteer tribute in Panem's annual Hunger Games, having taken the place of her younger sister in an act of heroic self-sacrifice.  
Likes include: bows, arrows, and lamb stew.
Dislikes include: Haymitch Abernathy, tracker jacker stings, getting her leg hair waxed, and the family cat. occasionally her mother.
Peeta Mellark is the male selected as the tribute for District 12, all we really know about him is that he's a baker's son, a little bit emotional.Peeta's character serves, at times, as a contrast to Katniss's. Whereas she is a provider and a survivor, Peeta is just the opposite: he's not much of an outdoorsman, is in touch with his soft side, and comes from a world very different from Katniss's., Peeta's character helps develop many of the novel's major themes: love, hope, class, and identity.